Your heart can circulate approximately 5 Litres per minute and beats around 100,000 times per day, this circulates an average 2,000 gallons daily.

As this organ works hard to keep you alive each day, it’s important to keep it healthy and monitor it regularly to detect abnormal activity. The ambulatory ECG device can efficiently and rapidly measure the rate and rhythm of your heartbeats. Many private ECHO scans and Ambulatory ECG testing services are increasingly accessible allowing you more control in monitoring your own health and wellbeing.


What Is Ambulatory ECG?


Electrocardiography is a non-invasive medical test that involves recording and interpreting the heart's electrical activity through an electrode placed on the skin. The resulting recording, known as an electrocardiogram (ECG), is a graph that displays the voltage of the heart's electrical activity over time.

This test is commonly used to detect and diagnose a wide range of heart conditions, including arrhythmia, heart attack, and heart failure. ECG testing provides crucial information about the heart's rhythm and overall function.

Doctors use various types of ECG machines to detect different cardiac conditions.

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What Are the Benefits of Ambulatory ECG at Home?

  1. Records cardiac events outside the hospital

    ECG monitoring at home allows for the detection and recording of cardiac events that may not occur during a doctor's visit. These recordings will be stored and analysed by a physiologist at a later time. The recording continues whilst you go about you day to day tasks recording continuously with the option to identify when symptoms occur by recording a simple ‘diary’.
  2. Designed to be fitted by the patient or family members

    Ambulatory ECG monitoring is designed to be easy to fit and can be fitted by patients or family members. Its quick and simple and without the information these devices provide patients may delay seeking medical help and wait longer to see if they get better.
    Taking informed action can be critical in ensuring positive outcomes for those experiencing cardiac events.
  3. Allows privacy for patients

    At-home Ambulatory ECG testing allows for privacy, which can be important for patients who are uncomfortable with hospital or clinic settings.


Take Charge of Your Heart Health With Ambulatory ECG Testing Services

ECG testing at home can help detect and diagnose heart conditions, monitor the effectiveness of treatments, and provide more frequent monitoring.

Our medical professionals at Vista Health proudly offer both Ambulatory ECG testing services and private ECHO scans for our patients. We have Echocardiogram scans at many convenient locations in the UK.

Contact ECG Testing Services or call us at 0371 705 3614.


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