Ear wax removal by Microsuction is used to remove ear wax and it is safe and comfortable compared to any other ear wax removal method. A binocular microscope is used to remove ear wax and it provides a magnified view of the ear canal and eardrum. In addition to the microscope, a low-pressure suction pump is used to extract ear wax safely.

What are the benefits of ear microsuction?

Before ear wax removal, it is important to understand that ear wax is a natural substance, which helps to protect the ears and acts as an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial property, and keeps the ears lubricated to reduce itchiness. However, when the ears become blocked, this could cause hearing loss, aural fullness, earache, tinnitus, and irritations. At this point, ear wax removal is beneficial.

Microsuction ear wax removal is a dry and hygienic procedure that does not require any drops, gels, and fluids. Without the presence of liquids, there’s less risk of getting an infection or allergic reaction.

Instantaneous results

Once the procedure is over, you’ll instantly notice a difference especially if the ear wax has interfered with your hearing. The entire removal only takes a few minutes and follow-up visits are rarely needed.

No required preparation

Unlike with ear syringing or ear irrigation, there’s no prep work involved. Microsuction effectively extracts both hard and soft impacted ear wax without the need for softening ear drops.  

Safe for existing perforations

Microsuction is safe for patients with perforated eardrum or grommet, mastoid cavity, cleft palate, and other previous ear infections.

Pinpoint accuracy

Microsuction involves the use of a special microscope, which provides a complete view of the ear canal. This allows doctors to work safely and precisely.


How is microsuction performed?

Ear wax removal through a microsuction procedure involves the insertion of a catheter into your ear canal. The catheter acts like a miniature vacuum cleaner that gently removes excess ear wax through suction. Your ENT doctor or nurse will also use magnifying glasses called “loupes'' to get a good view of your drum and ear canal throughout the process.

Microsuction is a safe and comfortable procedure that usually takes 15 - 30 minutes, depending on the type and amount of earwax and the depth of the build-up. Best of all, unlike traditional syringing methods, microsuction treatments don’t pose the same risk of infection and trauma to the patient.


What should I expect during an appointment?

During the appointment, our qualified clinicians will go over your pre-appointment questionnaire to ensure the procedure is carried out safely by considering your individual needs. The clinician will then inspect your ears to assess the amount, type, and depth of ear wax and use the appropriate suction or manual method to remove ear wax safely.

What are the most common reasons for ear wax build-up?

Ear wax build-up varies between individuals and some individuals produce ear wax faster than the other either naturally or due to other predisposing factors such as; eczema, narrow ear canal, use of cotton buds/ hearing aids, and earplugs tend to push the ear wax deeper into your canal. 

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Why may I need ear microsuction?

It is not possible to inspect your ears, however, symptoms such as hearing loss, aural fullness, earache, tinnitus, and irritations could be an indication of blocked ears and microsuction is required to safely remove the ear wax.

How often is ear microsuction required?

Having your ears blocked with ear wax varies from one individual to another, therefore microsuction is recommended whenever any of the previously mentioned symptoms are present. Some individuals require microsuction as quickly as every three months and others require it annually. 

Do you have blocked ears or difficulty hearing?

Vista Health offer same week ear microsuction appointments from highly experienced audiologists for £75. To find out more, call us on 0333 200 2064 or make an online enquiryAlternatively, complete our microsuction self-referral form here.

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