While having a healthy immune system can’t prevent you from contracting the Covid-19 virus, it can help keep your body healthy as it familiarises itself with new viruses and mounts a defense. Boosting your immune function also helps prevent other illnesses like the flu and the common cold.

An overall healthy lifestyle is the best way to keep the body’s immune response up. This means proper rest, regular exercise and a healthy diet. While it is important to have all three, many are too busy with their day-to-day activities to properly commit to the first two, rest and exercise.

With food, it is another story. People can choose to buy healthier products and eat healthier meals. At the very least, it can be the first step toward a better lifestyle and a boosted immune system.

This article will look at the different foods recommended for the immune system:



These berries contain anthocyanin, a flavonoid that has antioxidant qualities that help improve a person’s immune response. Antioxidants fight off the unstable molecules or free radicals that can damage cells and increase a person’s susceptibility to a range of illnesses, like heart disease and viral infections.


Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has antioxidants in the form of theobromine, which also combats the free radicals that come from certain pollutants. It is important to note though, that dark chocolate is high in calories and saturated fat. Despite its antioxidant properties, this food item should be eaten in moderation.


Citrus Fruits

Fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, tangerines, and clementines contain high concentrations of vitamin C. This vitamin helps with the production of white blood cells that fight off infections. Because there are so many kinds of citrus fruits, it’s easy to add them to any meal or dessert plan.


Red Bell Peppers

When it comes to vitamin C though, red bell peppers have citrus fruits beat. This food item contains as much as three times the vitamin C found in an average Florida orange. Plus, red bell peppers have a lot of beta carotene. Aside from keeping the body’s immune system up, it also helps keep the skin and eyes in top condition.


Green Tea

Green tea can be considered a healthier alternative to black tea or coffee because it, too, has caffeine. Aside from that perk, green tea also boosts the immune system. Like blueberries, green tea has flavonoids with antioxidant properties. They help the immune system protect the body from free radicals.



There is a compelling reason broccoli should be a regular part of your meals. It has so many vitamins and minerals, and it also contains a lot of fiber, which helps keep you feeling full for longer. It helps keep the immune response up because it is a rich source of vitamin C and several antioxidants.



Similar to broccoli, spinach has a lot to offer. It contains vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids. It boosts the immune system and helps keep the body healthy overall. Apart from its immune system-boosting properties, spinach also has large amount of folate, a B vitamin that supports infant development. This makes spinach is an excellent addition to the diet of pregnant women.


Key Takeaways

Keeping one’s immune system up is a necessity in today’s world, and choosing foods for that purpose is a great step toward wellness that everyone can take. Include the items mentioned here in your meals to make sure your body is equipped to fight off infections and diseases.

If you want more information on keeping your immune system up or anything about maintaining your health, you can get in touch with us through our contact page. Vista Health is your clinic of choice for imaging and scan services such as echocardiogram and ultrasound. We are a leading healthcare provider in the UK.


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